Water is a precious medicine made in nature’s laboratory.

This sparkling liquid, easily available all over the world, is a cure for many diseases.

Humans need three basic things to survive: food, oxygen, and water. There are other things too. Our cells survive by getting nutrients and energy from food. Similarly, these cells and other inhabitants of our body system, such as friendly bacteria, also need oxygen and water to perform their functions properly.

Of these three, oxygen is the most important because if our brain cells do not get oxygen for even a minute, they start dying. And after five minutes, a person’s death is certain. After that comes the number of water. A person can survive for a month without food, but if he does not get water for just three days, he can become dear to Allah.

It seems that the importance of water in the survival of human life is second to none. Oxygen gas is the third most abundant gas in the universe after hydrogen and helium. While the combination of two gases, hydrogen and oxygen atoms, gives rise to water. Terrestrial plants also produce oxygen through carbon dioxide and water with the help of sunlight. Our body cannot store water, it is excreted.

That is why humans constantly need water. Medical scientists have been researching the role of water in keeping humans healthy and energetic for the past few decades. This research has revealed the following interesting and informative facts. Learn about them and take help from them in maintaining your good health, which is the most important wealth in the world.

How much water should you drink daily?

Medical experts say that you should drink six to eight glasses of water every day. Thus, this gift of nature not only keeps humans alive but also becomes the best medicine, which is available almost free of charge due to its abundance. Take full advantage of it and keep your health at a high level.


Millions of men and women have been affected by this disease. In diabetes, the blood sugar level increases. Then the kidneys try to remove excess sugar. Therefore, if diabetic patients drink ten glasses of water daily, it will help them control their sugar. Water does not contain any calories, so it does not increase sugar levels.

Kidney stones.

Stones can be very painful when they form. They are usually made of calcium oxalate, a calcium salt that accumulates in the kidneys. The best way to prevent this substance from accumulating is to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Even after the stones are removed, doctors recommend drinking eight to twelve glasses of water daily to prevent them from forming again.

Lose weight.

Fat people can lose weight by drinking water. Especially if water is drunk before eating, it is very beneficial. The reason is that if a person drinks two glasses of water before eating, it fills his stomach. In this way, the stomach sends a message to the brain that the stomach is full. In this way, the person’s hunger decreases and he also eats less food. If this process becomes a habit, it naturally reduces body weight. Moreover, by drinking two glasses of water half an hour before eating, our digestive system also becomes active.

This system creates energy by burning food and drinks in our body. Drinking water helps this system burn more calories and thus helps in losing weight.

Decreased blood pressure.

When our body is dehydrated, our brain constricts the blood vessels. The goal is to keep the blood flowing. But the constriction of the vessels causes blood pressure in the body.

This is a dangerous medical condition that, if it persists for a long time, has harmful effects on human health. However, if a person drinks seven to eight glasses of water daily, this condition does not arise and blood pressure remains moderate. It is as if water is the best tool for controlling blood pressure.


This is an organic medical disorder in which the sufferer often experiences severe headaches.
This pain is also caused by a lack of water in the body. Therefore, experiments and research have proven that men and women who are unfortunately prone to migraines can be protected from this disease if they continue to drink adequate amounts of water throughout the day. The reason is that due to the abundant presence of water in the body, the systems or functions that cause migraines cannot be triggered.

Skin glow.

The human body’s skin is also made up of 64% water.

This water keeps the skin soft, supple, and radiant. This is the reason why, if a person drinks less water, the skin becomes dry and dull. It also loses its radiance. Therefore, to keep the skin fresh and healthy, drink adequate amounts of clean water daily and enhance your beauty and radiance.

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