Nails and acne.

Nail acne is usually ignored, thinking that it will go away on its own in time. Which is not entirely true.

If acne appears on the face, not only does it make the face look ugly, but in some cases, this discomfort also causes a sense of inferiority, because the face itself reflects beauty and health. Acne usually begins to appear on the face or any part of the body during puberty. In most cases, they stop appearing at the age of thirty, but sometimes this continues even after the age of thirty.

It is observed that nail acne is usually ignored, thinking that it will go away on its own in time. Which is not entirely true. In fact, timely treatment can prevent the face from becoming disfigured. Remember, there are numerous reasons why nail acne occurs.

For example, oily foods, hormonal changes, constipation, menstruation, mental stress, certain medications, dust, chocolate, certain chemicals, foods rich in carbohydrates, smoking, white bread, cakes, cold drinks, use of substandard cosmetics, talcum powder, soap, face wash, lotions and creams, areas with a more humid climate, and diseases that cause hormonal imbalance.

According to the observations of the clinic, to get rid of acne, one should live only on fruits for a few days, so that harmful substances are eliminated from the body. Also, consume foods with a hot effect such as eggs, fish, hot chili spices, poultry, heavy, fried foods, and dried fruits, etc. as little as possible. Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Drink plenty of water.
Take half a glass of water in a pan, add six grams of Gul Mandi and boil it. Then strain it, add one spoon of honey to it and drink it. Apart from this, in the morning and evening, take six grams of special pure Hamdard along with half a cup of Arak-e-Mandi, while before going to bed at night, take two teaspoons of Hamdard pure mixed with fresh water and use it continuously for two to three weeks. Pure blood is pure syrup.

Important measures and prescriptions for preventing skin diseases.

In many skin diseases, besides various fruits and vegetables, the use of kalonji, mango seeds, and rhinoceros leaves, etc., is useful.

In many skin diseases, the use of kalonji, mango seeds, rhinoceros leaves, etc., in addition to various fruits and vegetables, is useful. Below are some useful tips in this regard.
Mix half a teaspoon of kalonji with one teaspoon of olive oil and take it in the morning before breakfast. This can protect you from many skin diseases and the complexion of the face also becomes pink.

Grind fifty grams of kalonji, the same weight of aspaghul peel and mix it with 100 grams of honey. Store this mixture in a jar. Consume one teaspoon daily in the morning and afternoon, after meals in the evening, it is useful in many skin diseases.
Grind a pinch of ginger in the juice of one lemon and add it, drink it before eating, it is useful in many skin diseases.

Mix eight tablespoons of rose water, four tablespoons of lemon juice, and four tablespoons of glycerin and dissolve it. It is useful to apply this mixture on the face in the morning and evening. Grind a little honey in the juice of one lemon and dissolve it. It is useful to fill this mixture in a bottle and apply it to the affected area.
Drink a glass of sugarcane juice mixed with half a cup of lemon or lime juice in the morning and evening. This is useful in many skin diseases caused by blood disorders.

Drinking a glass of carrot juice daily is beneficial in infections and protects against skin diseases. Drinking a glass of carrot juice mixed with a tablespoon of honey is also useful.
Eating two carrots every morning and evening can protect against many types of allergies. Eating carrots regularly also removes blemishes from the face. Grind the carrots and mix them with half a cup of milk to make a paste.
Applying it on the face is useful for acne. Soak seven jujube seeds in a glass of water at night. Grind the jujube in water in the morning and mix it. Drinking it every morning is also beneficial for many skin diseases.

If your face is disfigured due to acne, pimples, and freckles, extract the juice of a cucumber and mix it with equal amount of tomato juice. Fill the above solution in a bottle.
It is useful to apply it on your face for five minutes three to four times a day and wash your face with plain water for a few days.
Mix one tablespoon of ground cinnamon with three teaspoons of honey. Apply it on acne, pimples, and blemishes at night before going to bed. Wake up in the morning and wash your face with lukewarm water. This recipe should be used for a few days.

Mix a teaspoon of crushed melon seeds in the pulp of a banana and massage it on the face.
Applying this mixture three times a day for a few days is useful in removing blackheads, acne and blemishes from the face.
Peel a ripe banana and remove its pulp, mix a teaspoon of honey in it and apply it on the face, after some time wash your face with lukewarm water.
Grind the sweet potato peel and apply it on the face. After ten minutes, wash your face with plain water. This is said to be useful for pimples, blackheads, acne and freckles on the face.

Break a mango pit and grind its pulp. Grind two jamun pits in it and mix it with a little water. Apply it on the face and massage it. It is useful for warts, acne and freckles.
Mix half a cup of wheat flour with one tablespoon of vinegar and make a paste. Apply it twice a day on the affected areas of warts, acne, ringworm, psoriasis and eczema. God willing, the treatment will be effective in a few days.

Neem leaves are useful in skin diseases. Eat six or seven buds with water in the morning for a few days. This removes blood disorders and also cures many skin diseases caused by it. Grind a few neem leaves and mix them with a teaspoon of rose water and apply it on the face and wash it off with cold water after a few minutes. It is useful for acne, blemishes, and spots. Put a handful of neem leaves in a liter of water and boil it. When the water turns dark green, remove it, filter it and fill it in a bottle. Wash your face with it before going to bed at night. If there is fungus or infection in the nails, apply a few drops of neem oil on the affected nails and massage it. God willing, you will be cured in a few days.

Put fifty grams of neem leaves and its equal weight of fennel in hot water, when the water cools down, add the same amount of bay leaves to it and fill it in a bottle.
Massage the body with this water after taking a bath every day, it gives relief from red or black spots on the body, heat rash and itching.
Soak fifty grams of mash dal in a glass of water at night, drain the water in the morning and grind the dal, apply this mixture on the face. Wash the face after half an hour. With a few days of practice, the spots, freckles, acne and pimples on the face will go away.
Eating twenty-one grapes every day in the morning before breakfast purifies the blood.

Ringworm is a very painful skin disease. In this, round red spots appear on some parts of the body, neck and back, which have small pimples around them. They cause severe itching. Gingda is said to be useful for treating this disease. Soaking the leaves of Gingda in water, grinding them and applying it to the area with ringworm provides relief. Burn the root of the Khurfa plant and turn it into ash and make it into a paste. Add the juice of one lemon to it and apply it on the face. After an hour, wash your face with soap or a basin.

Dry the face and apply coconut oil. With the above process, the spots and freckles on the face will disappear in a few days, God willing.
Dissolve one teaspoon of ground turmeric in half a cup of water and add one teaspoon of honey. Drink it for a few days, it is said to be beneficial for ringworm and eczema.
Boil a potato, crush its pieces and apply it to the eczema area, which gives relief to the patient.
Extracting the juice of ghee and applying it to the eczema area for a few days is said to be beneficial.
Extracting the juice of olive leaves and applying it to the areas affected by eczema and ringworm is useful.

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