Twelfth leading cause of death globally
Currently, more than 10 percent of the world’s population suffers from kidney disease, while Pakistan ranks eighth. According to recent research, Pakistan has the highest prevalence of kidney disease at 21.2 percent.
The kidneys are essential organs of our body that perform many important functions, including filtering blood, removing waste and excess fluids, regulating blood pressure, producing hormones, and balancing minerals and electrolytes.
However, kidney diseases affect millions of people worldwide. The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) organizes World Kidney Day every year to raise awareness about the importance of kidney health and the effects of kidney disease.
The main objective of World Kidney Day is to raise awareness about kidney health and encourage people to take active steps to prevent kidney disease.
It also offers a platform for healthcare professionals, affected patients, policymakers and the public to discuss and exchange experiences and knowledge on kidney health. This year’s theme is Kidney Health for All and Living Well with Kidney Disease, which focuses on empowering patients to manage their condition and live a full life. Pakistan’s eighth-highest prevalence of kidney disease is a matter of concern, and public awareness and treatment are essential.
Global burden of kidney disease:
Kidney disease is a major global health problem that affects people of all ages and ethnicities. According to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) report, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the 12th leading cause of death globally, accounting for 1.3 million deaths in 2019. The study also estimates that the prevalence of chronic kidney disease has increased by 29.3% since 1990. Furthermore, the incidence of end-stage kidney disease, ranging from chronic kidney disease to cancer, has also increased dramatically in recent years. In 2019, approximately 1.4 million people worldwide died prematurely due to chronic kidney disease.

Precautions for kidney disease:
Adopting a healthy lifestyle and taking special care of your health are very important in preventing kidney disease.
The following precautions can help promote kidney health.
Maintain a healthy weight:
Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise can reduce the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure, which are among the leading causes of chronic kidney disease.
Smoking cessation:
Quitting smoking can improve kidney function and reduce risk.
Kidney disease in Pakistan:
Kidney disease is a major health problem in Pakistan, affecting a large portion of the country’s population. According to a study published in the Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in Pakistan is about 22 percent. Its rate is higher in certain regions like Sindh and Balochistan.
The leading causes of kidney disease in Pakistan include diabetes, high blood pressure, and infections like hepatitis C. In addition, environmental factors such as unnecessary use of metals and pesticides, poor water supply, and poor sanitation also contribute to kidney disease. Unfortunately, access to alternative kidney treatments such as dialysis and kidney transplantation is limited in our country. There is a shortage of trained kidney doctors, nephrologists, transplant surgeons, and other facilities, and funding for kidney disease treatment programs is lacking. As a result, many patients with kidney disease do not receive the care they need, leading to high mortality rates.
Kidney diseases and their prevention:
People often ignore the symptoms of kidney disease, and by the time they pay attention, the body has already suffered a lot of damage.
The rate of kidney disease has increased significantly worldwide in recent decades. The kidneys filter excess fluid and waste from the blood, and when their function is impaired, this waste begins to accumulate. People with kidney disease are also at a much higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
Most people ignore the symptoms of kidney disease, and by the time they pay attention, the body has already suffered a lot of damage. There is no reliable data available in Pakistan, but according to one estimate, millions of people are suffering from various kidney diseases, while the number of such patients is increasing by 15 to 20 percent annually.
You can protect yourself from painful kidney diseases by doing a few simple things, which are as follows:
Do not overuse certain medications.
Excessive use of anti-inflammatory drugs can damage the kidneys, and long-term use of these drugs also increases the risk of chronic kidney disease, so it is best to avoid using these drugs without consulting a doctor.
Antibiotics are also harmful.
Antibiotics can also damage the kidneys if they are used excessively. This can happen even when your health is ideal, but in more serious cases, kidney function can be affected.
Avoid herbal supplements.
These supplements can also damage the kidneys. They can be more harmful if you already have kidney disease, as they can make the condition worse or affect the effectiveness of medications. Consult a doctor before using any herbal supplement.
Food hygiene.
The kidneys process everything you eat or drink, including anything that can be harmful, such as too much fat, salt, and sugar. Over time, unhealthy diets, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and other diseases can also make it harder for your kidneys to function. In contrast, a healthy diet, such as eating more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and eating fewer processed foods, can help keep your kidneys healthy.
Pay attention to the amount of salt.
Salt affects people differently; in some people, too much of it can increase the amount of protein in the urine, which can be harmful to the kidneys or make kidney disease worse. Too much salt also increases the risk of high blood pressure, a common cause of kidney disease, and increases the risk of kidney stones.
Don’t forget to drink adequate amounts of water.
Water is very important for the kidneys and it pushes waste to the bladder in the form of urine. If you drink less water, the tiny filters inside the kidneys can stop working, which increases the risk of kidney stones and infections. In fact, even a slight lack of water can damage the kidneys if you often make it a habit to drink less water. It is okay to drink 4 to 6 glasses of water daily, taking into account the weather, however, in case of illness or when the weather is hot, the body may need more water.
Like a healthy diet, exercise also helps protect against problems like diabetes and heart disease, which are factors that damage the kidneys.
But suddenly abandoning a sedentary lifestyle and exercising too much can also be harmful, because if the body is not ready for this physical exertion, the kidneys can be damaged. The simple solution is to exercise at least 5 days a week for 30 to 60 minutes. If you have not been exercising for a long time, start with easy exercises and consult a doctor first in case of any illness.
Get checked
It is very important to know about the risk of kidney disease. If you or a close relative has a family history of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes or kidney failure, then making regular medical check-ups a routine can help catch kidney disease at its earliest stage. The sooner these diseases are diagnosed, the easier they will be treated and even prevented.
Quit smoking
Smoking increases the risk of kidney cancer and damage to blood vessels, which can affect the kidneys by slowing blood flow. Smoking also affects the effectiveness of certain medications used to treat high blood pressure. This can be more serious because failure to control high blood pressure is a major cause of kidney disease.
Control medical problems
The most common diseases that affect the kidneys are diabetes and high blood pressure. A balanced diet and regular exercise help keep both of these diseases under control. It is important for diabetic patients to keep a close eye on their blood sugar and use insulin if necessary. Patients with high blood pressure should get their blood pressure checked often and take their medications on time.
Alcohol can be fatal. Alcohol consumption causes dehydration, which affects kidney function, while weight gain, liver disease, high blood pressure, and many other diseases also increase the pressure on the kidneys.