Many problems including skin and eyes.

How little zinc?

The human body is a collection of various components, the deficiency of which affects health and well-being. Among these components, zinc, which is called zinc in English, is considered the most essential. According to modern medical research, zinc deficiency can cause many health-related problems, including a weakened immune system, poor wound healing, loss of taste and smell, acne, and skin problems.

Zinc is essential for many bodily functions, including DNA synthesis, cell division, protein metabolism, and enzyme activity. There are many causes of zinc deficiency. Such as excessive consumption of vegetables, foods that are low in zinc, digestive problems (known as malabsorption in medical terms), alcohol, aging, certain medications, medications used to relieve symptoms such as heartburn, acid reflux, and diuretics.

If zinc is used regularly, the immune system cells first start working better, otherwise these cells become affected. The use of zinc plays a significant role in improving the health of not only young people, but also the elderly. According to a medical study, elderly people who use zinc have a reduced risk of various types of inflammatory diseases.

Zinc has many other benefits. For example, with the help of zinc, people with prediabetic symptoms can be prevented from developing diabetes in the long term. This important element is beneficial in secondary diseases of people with diabetes and high blood pressure. Being an excellent antioxidant, it destroys cancer-fighting cells.

It protects against skin disorders, especially for people whose wounds heal slowly. It increases immunity. It is also extremely useful for the sense of taste and smell, while it is an elixir for getting rid of hair problems (such as baldness, hair loss, split ends or thinning). The use of zinc also proves useful in treating many types of ulcers and skin wounds.

The use of zinc balances the amount of collagen in the skin. Its use reduces the severity of wounds caused by diabetes. Medical research has shown that if zinc is consumed in adequate amounts daily, it is also beneficial for eye health. The use of zinc is considered useful for the treatment of acne. Some medical experts say that zinc deficiency can worsen diabetes.

In addition, people who consume zinc regularly have lower blood sugar levels than those who do not consume zinc. Zinc consumption also proves to be a panacea for women experiencing gestational diabetes.

If the human body does not have adequate amounts of zinc, one feels tired all the time. During pregnancy, zinc deficiency can cause harm to the fetus.

In addition, zinc deficiency leads to loss of appetite, resulting in physical weakness. Consumption of zinc for women during breastfeeding is beneficial for mental and physical health. Men can experience prostate gland-related disorders as a result of zinc deficiency. A recent study by “The Age-Related Eye Disease Study” found that food supplements based on vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin E, zinc (zinc), omega-3 and copper provide protection against many eye diseases, especially macular degeneration.

If zinc deficiency becomes chronic, the signs of aging begin to appear prematurely. This element is also found in patients with sinusitis. Zinc deficiency also causes diarrhea, lethargy, and depression. During the period of male menopause, called andropause, the use of zinc helps in maintaining normal testosterone hormone levels.

Natural sources of zinc

Sources of zinc include meat, liver, poultry, fish, salmon, grains, beans, and nuts. In addition, shellfish is an important source of vitamin B12, but it also contains significant amounts of zinc, copper, and iron. Meat, especially goat, is rich in zinc and vitamin B12. Pumpkin seed oil contains compounds that inhibit the growth of prostate gland cells. Cashews are a very tasty fruit that, in addition to many useful ingredients, also contains zinc.

Watermelon seeds are usually thrown in the trash, but did you know that watermelon seeds contain significant amounts of zinc? Wash watermelon seeds, dry them in the sun, and add them to your diet. Garlic contains zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C, as well as calcium, magnesium, iodine, iron, and potassium. Keep in mind that garlic has a warming effect, so it should be consumed in limited quantities during the summer season.

Egg yolk is a rich source of zinc.
The RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) has recommended the daily intake of zinc, according to which it is 12 to 15 mg for men, 10 to 12 mg for women, and 12 to 15 mg for pregnant and lactating women. According to experts, a daily intake of 40 mg of zinc is considered safe and this amount does not show any immediate side effects. However, each individual’s needs are different and since the general public in our country is reluctant to get lab tests done, it is better not to exceed the RDA recommended intake.

Nails and acne.

Nail acne is usually ignored, thinking that it will go away on its own in time. Which is not entirely true.

If acne appears on the face, not only does it make the face look ugly, but in some cases, this discomfort also causes a sense of inferiority, because the face itself reflects beauty and health. Acne usually begins to appear on the face or any part of the body during puberty. In most cases, they stop appearing at the age of thirty, but sometimes this continues even after the age of thirty.

It is observed that nail acne is usually ignored, thinking that it will go away on its own in time. Which is not entirely true. In fact, timely treatment can prevent the face from becoming disfigured. Remember, there are numerous reasons why nail acne occurs.

For example, oily foods, hormonal changes, constipation, menstruation, mental stress, certain medications, dust, chocolate, certain chemicals, foods rich in carbohydrates, smoking, white bread, cakes, cold drinks, use of substandard cosmetics, talcum powder, soap, face wash, lotions and creams, areas with a more humid climate, and diseases that cause hormonal imbalance.

According to the observations of the clinic, to get rid of acne, one should live only on fruits for a few days, so that harmful substances are eliminated from the body. Also, consume foods with a hot effect such as eggs, fish, hot chili spices, poultry, heavy, fried foods, and dried fruits, etc. as little as possible. Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Drink plenty of water.

Take half a glass of water in a pan, add six grams of Gul Mandi and boil it. Then strain it, add one spoon of honey to it and drink it. Apart from this, in the morning and evening, take six grams of special pure Hamdard along with half a cup of Arak-e-Mandi, while before going to bed at night, take two teaspoons of Hamdard pure mixed with fresh water and consume it continuously for two to three weeks. Pure blood is a pure syrup.

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