One in five people in Pakistan suffers from various types of mental problems.
The rapid development of the present era has undoubtedly made life more convenient than in the past, yet the number of patients with depression is increasing rapidly. According to a conservative estimate, one in every five people in Pakistan suffers from various types of mental problems.
Some people become so frustrated and hopeless due to various problems and worries that they do not understand whether to hold on to the ropes of life or embrace death. In this struggle between life and death, sometimes a father, sometimes a mother, gets fed up with the situation and ruthlessly surrenders their loved ones to death, falling into eternal sleep themselves.
According to mental health experts, this stage occurs when mental health is affected, and this process is not a momentary accident, but rather the result of mental health gradually being affected.

According to a Gallup Pakistan survey, 17 percent of Pakistanis cite family or household problems, 15 percent lack of income, 14 percent unemployment, 13 percent their job, and 8 percent their health as the main causes of mental stress. Mental health experts say: “Mental health depends on maintaining a balance between action and reaction. A balanced life is a happy life, and when the balance in life starts to deteriorate, mental and psychological problems and confusion begin to arise.”
“This means that to live a good and satisfying life, special care should be taken not only of physical health, but also of mental health.
Mental health covers every aspect of our life, so from today, start performing your daily routines with contentment and cheerfulness. Perform religious duties with devotion, think positively and create convenience for each other.
Adopt such positive physical activities that can keep both the body and mind active. It is true that the current era is of social media, but it is more important to pay attention to your social life, because the excessive use of mobile phones, laptops, tablets and other gadgets has especially kept our children and youth away from sports and physical activities. Martyr of Pakistan Hakeem Muhammad Saeed, while addressing children and youth, repeatedly said: “O healthy one! The future is for you.”
Twenty-five million people in Pakistan suffer from mental illness.
From time to time, we all experience sadness, hopelessness, and boredom. These symptoms usually resolve within a week or two and don’t make much of a difference in our lives. Sometimes this sadness starts for a reason and sometimes it starts for no reason at all. Usually, we cope with this sadness on our own.
Sometimes, talking to friends can cure this sadness and no treatment is needed. But medically, sadness is called a depressive illness when the feeling of sadness lasts for a long time and does not go away. The intensity of the sadness is so great that it affects the daily routine of life. In some people, there may or may not be a specific cause of depression.
Many people who are sad and depressed do not understand the reason for their sadness. However, their depression sometimes becomes so severe that they need help and treatment. It is normal to feel sad for a while after some traumatic event, such as the death of a loved one, a divorce, or the loss of a job. We think and talk about it for the next few weeks.
Just as patients with other illnesses deserve compassion and treatment, patients with depression also deserve compassion and treatment, not criticism and ridicule.
Depression can be treated with talk therapy (psychotherapy), antidepressant medication, or a combination of both. Depending on the nature of your depressive symptoms, their severity, and your circumstances, it is recommended that you consider whether medication or psychotherapy is best for you.
Mild to moderate depression can be treated with psychotherapy, but if the depression is more severe, medication may be necessary. People with depression often feel better by sharing their feelings with a trusted person. Sometimes it is difficult to share your feelings with relatives or friends. In such cases, talking to a psychologist may be easier. Treatment through psychotherapy takes time.
Depression and anxiety are dangerous diseases that can easily trap people in their grips with constant fear and worry. There are three types of this psychological disease, including panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and phobias. Sometimes feeling anxious and restless is a part of every person’s life, but if these symptoms of anxiety persist for six months or more, it is called an anxiety disorder.
This has a negative impact on all daily activities such as school, office, and home life.
In generalized anxiety disorder, a person is constantly and relentlessly worried about various aspects of their life, such as health, relationships, and business.
Inability to concentrate on work, muscle spasms, and constant worry are common symptoms of this disease.
Panic disorder refers to a sudden, overwhelming fear that takes hold of the body very quickly and results in the following effects on our body: physical trembling, sweating, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath that also affects the supply of oxygen, and a severe wave of sadness. This condition occurs as a result of a specific type of physical and mental change that can be different for each person.
It is very important for people suffering from this disease to know these things.
The third major type of anxiety disorder is phobia, which can be of many types. For example, depression of someone going away, fear of a specific object and social phobia. The fear of someone going away or separation can affect both children and adults. In this, a person begins to believe that if a specific person goes away, he will be harmed.
Fear of a specific thing. In this, a person becomes extremely afraid of a specific thing, such as driving, heights, blood, traveling by ship, injections, snakes or spiders. Similarly, in social phobia, a person becomes afraid of the presence of many people and avoids doing anything. The treatment for this disorder may vary depending on the type of disease. But generally, there are two aspects to the treatment of these diseases: psychotherapy, in which the person’s thinking is changed through conversation with him. And medication, which includes antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications.